N's email 12/22/2014

area: Kingwood 2nd Ward, Kingwood, Texas
companion: Elder Six

This week has been fun! We got to go to a new missionary training on Wednesday and that was awesome! We got to be taught by President Drake, Sister Drake, and the AP's. What I learned the most is to be bold. Like tell people straight up that we are representatives of Jesus Christ and that we have a very special message about Him for them comprising of Christ calling a prophet on the Earth today as He did in the old testament and that He loves His followers around the world and He show that by appearing to His children in the Americas, which is recorded in the Book of Mormon. All the new missionaries bore their testimonies at the end about how we've grown since we've come on missions. I realized that for a long time I've known the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church once again restored on the Earth. That Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. That the Book of Mormon is true scripture, as the Bible is. And that Jesus wants me here, on my mission. But I've grown to understand that "the field is white." That people are ready for the good news of Jesus Christ. That they are waiting for it and anxiously waiting to receive it from me and the Holy Ghost.

Anyway, the rest of the week we mostly talked with members about the Christmas dinner and getting them to bring their friends. President Fronk (used to be 1st counselor in the stake presidency) the ward mission leader had Elder Six sing at the dinner and gave me the opportunity (made) me juggle dinner roles in front of everyone. But it was fun.

We also found out that quite a few recent converts haven't had the lessons after baptism so we're going to be busy doing that for the next couple weeks.

Quick story, so sometimes we have to drive 4 other missionaries around so they gave us a Dodge Grand Caravan last week. On the day I got driving privileges, we get a minivan. If two 20 year old guys got out of a blue minivan, came and knocked on your door and said they were there to teach you about Jesus Christ, and you looked past them at their minivan, what would you think. Yeah. yeah, exactly. I'm cursed to minivans for time and all eternity...

I love all of you! But I love my Savior more. And this is where he wants me to be. so this is where I want to be.