N's email 12/15/2014

area: Kingwood 2nd Ward (Texas)
zone: Kingwood
companion: Elder Six

This month has been incredible! And this past week has been incredible!

We had our first baptism on 12/13/14 for Chris. He was so excited and it was great to see. About 70 people from the ward showed up to support him in this step and as missionaries we were so grateful for that! The Bishop, while greeting Chris to the ward, said, "Everyone in Chris's family please stand up." And the whole congregation stood. It was awesome! Elder Six baptized him and after Chris came out of the water his 6 year old son, Di Angelo (who's full name is Di Angelo Christopher which means The Angel of Christ, if you exclude the last name), said "Wo, Dad, are you ok?" And Chris responded, "Yeah, I'm better than ok son." Everyone laughed but it was very touching and brought the Spirit super strong. Then that night we were teaching him about the Holy Ghost and he asked me to confirm him. I was super nervous but I prayed a lot and afterwards everyone said I did a good job. Chris also said he really appreciated what I said. I know the Spirit helped me because most of the stuff I said I would've never thought of. I loved being able to participate in that.

Then on Sunday, we were wondering what we were going to do because we didn't have any investigators. So we went out to give people the He is the Gift card and we got 2 potential investigators! I've been here almost a month and this was the first time we ever had success while tracting! It was such a blessing.

The members are still great and feeding us very well! I'm also expecting lots of letters for Christmas. Like enough to fill a refrigerator box! So start writing!

I love all of you! But I love Jesus Christ more. And this is where He wants me. So this is where I want to be