N's email 12/1/2014

area: Kingwood 2nd Ward (Texas)
zone: Kingwood
companion: Elder Six

Who knew they made a Ford F-150 Texas Edition? Weird.

This place is awesome. The people are super friendly, I got a really nice apartment, by missionary standards, and there's more trees here than at home. It's flat, and humid, but other than that, I like it. And the flat makes riding a bike much easier anyway. Everything with my bike worked out great too.

President Drake is super friendly and also inspiring. My companion has been out for 21 months so he kinda knows what he's doing. He has autism which makes things interesting sometimes, especially since he's the one driving (like we got stuck in a ditch yesterday and was pulled out by a nice neighbor with a tractor). The first day I was assigned to him we went to Walmart to get groceries and he got two light sabers and declared me his apprentice... still not too sure what to think about that... He's super nice though and makes sure there's always something for us to do.

We are the missionaries for the Kingwood 2nd ward, but the mission home is only 15 minutes away and our area gets a car so we go by there at least once a week. The ward is super cool. We walked into a family's home and after about 2 minutes of greetings they started talking about 10 different friends they are inviting to church and activities and family nights. Then they said they'd let us know as soon as any of them are ready to talk with the missionaries. They also said that their home is always open for discussions and they are always willing to come teach people with us. Super cool family! And like 3/4 of the ward is just like them! They also feed us a bunch. Like we had 2 thanksgiving dinners with a crape and waffle breakfast thanksgiving morning... thanks Mom for feeding all those missionaries back home!

We have one progressing investigator right now, Chris. He's progressing really well but he's had struggles getting past smoking but he's also determined to be baptized the 13th. He can do it. He also got super excited when he found out that all men in the church hold the priesthood, after he's baptized he can receive the priesthood and have the authority to baptize his son (once he's old enough). He's also committed to live all the other commandments and is doing really well. He has a few doctrinal misconceptions but I don't think it'll be that big of a deal to clear up.

I'm having a lot of fun here and my companion says I'm doing a good job so far.

I love all of you. But I love Jesus Christ more. This is where he wants me. So this is where I want to be.